Dec 17 2008

Slater Wins His Sixth Pipeline Masters, Rides 5’11” Board to Win, Pushes Performance Surfing

Published by at 2:36 pm under ASP Tour,Kelly Slater,Surfboards

Kelly Slater - Deep Six Surfboard

You’ve probably heard the news by now that Kelly Slater won his sixth Pipeline Masters (adding to his 9 world titles). The finals were Slater vs. Chris Ward. The surf pumped for most of the contest and Slater, deciding the push the limits of the reason in board size, surfed a 5’11” Channel Islands “Deep Six” board throughout the contest in 8-10 ft. Hawaiian Surf (Transworld Surf story). That’s the size surf at Pipeline that most of us wouldn’t consider paddling out in, let alone on a 5’11” board.

Channel Islands Deep Six - Kelly Slater’s Board

Photo: Channel Islands Surfboards

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