Sep 26 2008

Insane Wave – Cornwall UK

Published by under Big wave,Photography

OK, granted this actually happened in January of 2008, it’s still worth posting. A couple of bodyboarders decided to charge huge storm waves in Cornwall, England. Originally posted in the Daily Mail UK, the newspaper claims the waves are 50 ft. The whitewash might be 50 ft, but the waves look more like 12. Still pretty heavy for the UK. This guy either charged hard or got caught in the worst rip current of his life.Bodyboarder in big surf Cornwall UK

Bodyboarder in big surf Cornwall UK 2

Bodyboarder in big surf Cornwall UK 3

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Sep 25 2008

Unbeatable: Kelly Slater

Published by under ASP Tour

Kelly took second place behind Adrian “Ace ” Buchan at the Quicksilver Pro France (more on the finals at So far this year, he’s won 5 out of 8 events and taken second twice. Still Taj is 1800 points behind (competitors are awarded 1200 points for finishing first in an event) with three events left. Mundaka and Brazil are wildcard events because of inconsistent conditions meaning there’s no particular advantage to Kelly Slater but he’s always done well at Pipeline (the last event on the WCT tour in December). So Taj get over losing at Trestles and lock down a couple of wins here if you want any chance at winning the World Title. Official ASP rankings below. Oh and by the way, this will be Kelly’s 9th World Title.

ASP Rankings

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Sep 25 2008

Video Candy: Barrel of the Year at Shipsterns and Urban Surfing

Published by under Surf spots,Videos

Couple video clips from Surfline TV. First up is one of the craziest barrels I’ve seen: Michael Brennan at Shipsterns’ Bluff. The Second clip is off urban surfing in San Francisco.

See more skate, snow, surf, and moto videos at Shred or Die

See more skate, snow, surf, and moto videos at Shred or Die

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Sep 22 2008

Quicksilver France Kicks Off

Published by under ASP Tour

WCT Tour ASP France Quicksilver Pro
Quicksilver Pro event on the beaches of Hossegor kicks off. Round one and two have already been held and they’re waiting for the surf to build again for round three. Andy Irons made it through the first round only to be a no-show for his heat for round two. How can a pro surfer not show up for his heat is incredible to me, but he’s Andy Irons. Seems like he’s just rolled over to Slater and given up on competing this year. He’s been pretty mediocre on the tour this year (ASP rankings). Check out the slideshow at Transworld Surf.

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Sep 22 2008

Surfing Yemen… Really?

Published by under Destinations,Travel

Map of the Middle East - Somalia, Yemen, Oman

The coastline of the middle east, the last surfing frontier? Likely. Countries of Somalia, Yemen, Oman, Iran, and Pakistan all have significant coastline exposed to Indian Ocean swells (check out how long Somalia’s coast line is). A quick search on listed one spot in Somalia, none in Yemen, 12 in Oman, and not surprisingly none in Iran or Pakistan.

Yemen is an elusive surf destination. A very conservative Muslim country that has in past been an enclave of Al Qaeda. The government isn’t too keen on tourism and you’ll likely be the only surfers in the country. A few adventurous surfers hit up Yemen and charged the various breaks down there. Check out the article at the

“You’ll need ample time, determination and money; but for the experienced wave rider looking for quality surf spots and empty beaches, Yemen is the ultimate adventure playground. The mainland has a number of gentle points, some good-quality beach breaks and one world-class wedge that, day after day, chucks out massive barrels with a predominantly offshore wind.”

“If circling hammerheads and the risk of terrorism aren’t enough to put you off, you could be among the first to blaze a trail to this top-class surfing destination. Local tour operators are only just starting to latch onto what they’ve got. For the moment independent surf travel is all but impossible – you’ll need to employ a tour company to source jeeps, guides and permits. Though this all adds up, making a Yemeni surf trip anything but cheap, you’ll be getting some dream waves in return.”

The writer claims Yemen offers long reeling points, beach breaks, and wedges. Suqutra, Yemen’s largest island is located conspicuously offshore in the line of swell pumping off low pressure systems during the monsoon season from May to September. No doubt you’ll have the place to yourself.

So the time to go is between May and September. You’ll want to bring your standard short board, a satellite phone, a copy of the Koran, and any connections you have with the US State Department.

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Sep 18 2008

Photos from the Boost Mobile Pro at Trestles

Published by under ASP Tour,Photography

Here’s an insane slideshow of photos from the competition and the final of the Boost Mobile Pro at Trestles. Photos were taken by San Diego photographer, Nathan Petty. Check them out. Click the link to the full screen slideshow. (Photo credit Nathan Petty:

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Sep 18 2008

Taj – Robbed at Trestles?! By the Judges?

Published by under ASP Tour

 Kelly Slater celebrates after winning the Boost Mobile Pro at Lowers

Talk on the ASP is that Taj got robbed by the judges in the final heat at Trestles. Being there at the heat, it definitely felt that the judges were pulling for Kelly. Taj scored two high waves (9.0 and 9.63) and had combo’ed Kelly with 20 minutes left (it should be noted that the judges pre-heat decided to extend the usual 30 minute heat to 40 minutes – a decision that ended up being crucial for Kelly). I was there at the heat and thought that Taj’s second wave and Kelly’s first wave (9.70) were both over scored. I thought Kelly’s final wave at the horn (9.2) was deserved though. It was a mediocre wave that Kelly surfed insanely well. Anyway, see for your self: here’s the interview with the head ASP judge and the video of the final heat on Surfline (link).

“The variety played a major part in the outcome of the final. Where Taj was surfing with speed and lots of turns, Kelly was surfing on a wave that did not allow a lot to offer. He turned this wave into exceptional surfing with full rail carving turns in the critical sections with variety on each section of the wave. Over the years it has been the surfers themselves who have stated that ALL guys on tour can surf the perfect set waves but it takes real talent to take off on an average looking wave and destroy the thing for what it’s worth. This was one area the judges who were working on the final felt strongly about when I spoke with them at the after-final meeting and wrap up.”

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Sep 15 2008

New Smyrna Beach Asserts Itself as Shark Attack Capital of World

Published by under Sharks

New Smyrna Beach - Florida - Shark Attack Capital of the World

Now someone please tell me that after 22 shark nips, bites, and attacks in one year, why would anyone be out swimming, wading, or surfing the waters of New Smyrna Beach?! Anyway, Swim At Your Own Risk reports the 22nd attack of the year. “According to NewsJournalOnline a 32-year-old tourist earned the honor of becoming the 22nd shark bite victim of the year in Volusia County today, tying the previous record set in 2001.”  (image:

Check out all the latest shark news on here.

See Other Top Posts:

Most Amazing Photos You’ll Ever See of Waves

Diver Fights and Kills 12 ft. Tiger Shark (Photos)

Your Chances of Dying of a Shark Attack – Pretty Slim

Incredible HD Footage of Surfer in the Barrel


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Sep 13 2008

Solution to Beach Trash: PickUp3

Published by under Environment

I live and surf in SoCal. SoCal like many coastal areas has a trash problem, well it’s really a people problem. Too many people leaving there trash and too many people not caring about others trash. 5ones posts on one solution for the trash problem devised by a 13 year old. “At the ripe old age of 9, the Southern California native Cobi Emery did what few 9 yr. olds would do and started his own environmental organization, PickUp3. Cobi had become unsettled with the conditions that the beaches he grew up surfing at were progressively becoming more cluttered with every imaginable piece of trash known to man.” Cobi’s solution is simple and easy to implement, every time you go to the beach clean up your mess and pick up and dispose of 3 pieces of trash.

Hopefully, Cobi’s work will inspire cleaner beaches. Mexico tried their own version with a trash-fishing contest, why not here?

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Sep 13 2008

Photo of the Day – Taj at Lowers

Published by under ASP Tour,Photography

Taj doing what he does best in the final heat at Lowers on Thursday. Photo credit: Evan Asano (flickr photostream)

Taj at Trestles

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